Thursday, October 05, 2006

Alright, I'm back

So I have been really lazy about posting my pictures lately. But don't worry there are plenty to come. But before we take a trip back in time (well, the past two weeks) I just want to show you what I did tonight. Had I been inside of a Hooter's my jokes about the family titty bar would have been much better. Now I have actually been inside of one.

You can be a size negative 2 and your ass still looks huge in those tight orange polyester shorts. What asshole came up with that idea? Unfortunately I did not get a picture of the wire they put the orders on. It is really great because they have to reach up and clip the ticket on and then push it to the kitchen guys. Great exercise and you really get to show off your hooters...

And you get your own hooters for only $14.99. Nice.


mad said...

You might think this is kinda lame, but I've never actually been in a Hooters. Was that some kinda billboard thing tattooed on that girl's back?

LesleyRamsey said...

I've only been inside a Hooters once... and it was on my illfated trip to Guatemala. Quite bizarre.