Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I don't know what a mixed pork chop is, but... well, I don't know what a mixed pork chop is, do you?

This post is brought to you by the letter "N"

...as in frozeN.

Some funs signs

January 29, 2007

I saw this in Cuero (you may recall from an earlier post that Jesus is King of Cuero). While Jesus may be king, someone is queen of hand washing at the Conoco. I don't want to know what happened to compel someone to add "thoroughly" to that sign, but I kept imagining some showdown on the proper way to wash your hands.

I saw this at the HEB in Refugio. I particularly like the instructions on washing your hands between handling different species. Wow.


January 17,2007


January 10, 2007

One day I was driving down I-10 and saw a huge billboard with a picture of this same beaver. My first though was that it was a secret advertisement for a brothel. But actually, it is the logo for Bu-cee's. I didn't get a hot tip on any brothels while I was there, but they do have the cleanest public bathrooms I've ever been in.

You Know You're a Rich Redneck

If you have your own brand of beef jerky.

Remember the ugly pink duffle bag?

November 16, 2006

Well, it is gone. The Ladies decided that my personal fight against terrorism should end. They thought my hideous pink duffle bag would make a fantastic chew toy instead. Bye bye ugly pink duffle bag!

Christmas in Hallettsville, Texas

November 15, 2007

Apparently, the folks in Hallettsville are not up on certain topics -- like separation of church and state and urban legends because this is a sample of how they decorate the courthouse for Christmas.

For Example, they believe that the song "The 12 Days of Christmas" is a song about Jesus.

Let's just skip the part about how Jesus doesn't really belong on government grounds. Let's get right to the meaning of the song. It is about giving gifts, dancing and having fun (you go lords-a-leaping!). This song is not a secret device for oppressed Christians to remember the tenets of their faith or any other such nonsense. Read more here if you are interested.

An candy canes are just candy. It is not a secret symbol for oppressed Christians (when have Christians ever been oppressed?) or red because Jesus died for your sins and white because he is pure. Learn about how they are not religious candy here.