Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ted Nugent, really?

As a general rule, I post photos that I have taken. However, my obsession with my sitemeter has led me to Ted Nugent (see photo, left taken from No foolin'. I admit, I was really curious. How could Ted Nugent's site possibly link to mine? I clicked on the link and it told me I had to register. Fine, no problem. I registered. But then I discovered that in order to find out what is in the hunting forum (where the link to my page is located), I have to subscribe. This is very different than registering because it requires a $20 payment. Well, Ted, I'm curious but not that curious. So, if anyone happens to get to my page from Ted Nugent's hunting forum, I am dying to know the context of the link to my page.


anandamide said...

I share your strange obsession with Ted Nugent:

If you or any of your readers subscribe, let the rest of us know what kind of utter lunacy resides in his "member's only section"

pineapple said...

anandamide: I think I'm really obsessed with my sitemeter rather than Ted Nugent. Although the show he had on MTV was hilarious. There is nothing funnier than forcing vegetarians to hunt and skin their food. But this new turn of events may turn into an obession with his hunting forum. Once I am gainfully employed full time again, I might just have to spend that $20...

mad said...

Maybe he just likes pineapples.

pineapple said...

I hear that pineapples go with any kind of game! Yummy!