Monday, July 09, 2007

I always enjoy a pun!

Ha ha! Cops & Joggers instead of Cops & Robbers! Get it? Well, when I saw this, it got me thinking. Wouldn't it be more fun to watch the cops chase the robbers through a maze instead of a bunch of people running down the road? Am I wrong?


Evil Spock said...

As a kid, Evil Spock ran from cops, but it didn't benefit anyone except Evil Spock.

You prolific bloggers with your multiple blogs! Guess Evil Spock will have to link this one too . . .

pineapple said...

But it did help the cops because they got the opportunity to work off some of those donuts.

You're the bestest!

mad said...

Those Austin cops are so humorous. I hope they're that funny when they stop to give you a ticket.

pineapple said...

don't be silly, they don't pull over a princess!!!

mad said...

Oh yeah, right.

LesleyRamsey said...

Thanks for explaining that! I totally didn't get it before. Those crazy cops!