Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Today's lesson is: SHARP!

I have these neighbors that decided to do some landscaping recently. Their choice of ground cover is quite interesting. It is broken glass. I found this interesting on many levels. For one thing, it should make for an interesting gardening experience when they decide that they want to plant things. Sounds like fun to kneel in a big pile of glass and dig around, does it? The other thing that is interesting is that they have a small child. I bet once that kid starts walking, it won’t take long to learn about sharp things. Oh, and the other fun thing is that they decided to fill in the cracks on the sidewalk with broken glass. It is not fun to walk through glass wearing flip-flops. I learned about sharp that day (and to walk on the other side of the street).

Here is a close up of the broken glass.

and a pretty picture of the the future good times they will have gardening.

And the whole picture.


Anon said...

Well, it does look rather nice. I see what you mean about the practicality issues, though. They probably could have created a similar effect using the glass marble-like things meant for vases and fishbowls. Those are not sharp.

mad said...

It must be really tough on the lawn mower.

Unknown said...
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pineapple said...

laura: It looks alright, but I just can't get past the hurty part of the landscaping.

mad: maybe they got a gift certificate for mower blades with each pile of broken glass...

AVCr8teur said...

Sounds like they should put up a hazard sign, Don't walk on glass.

pineapple said...

AVCR8TEUR: I'll tell them you said so!