Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Rankin, Texas

May 7, 2007
Rankin, Texas

Mmmm, rusty water tower...

This is the courthouse. Exciting!

This used to be a place to eat. Now it is an out of business junk shop that still has a cow on it and a sign that says "eat." When I first saw the cow, I was excited because I found the place I wanted to eat lunch. I was sad to discover the truth. Instead, I ate lunch at La Familia and it was really good. You should eat there if you ever end up in Rankin.

This was the Yates Hotel, home of the Rankin Museum. It is closed like just about everything else in Rankin. Once upon a time, Rankin was a hoppin' little town with the Yates Hotel, a country club, places to eat, and so on. Unfortunately, the economy went South and so did the people.

Here is an odd piece of yard art in front of the former Yates Hotel/Rankin Museum.

And some more yard art next to the building. It makes you wonder what could have been inside the museum...


mad said...

The Yates Hotel. That sounds very Hitchcokian.

pineapple said...

He could have had a field day with this town. Very odd place...

Anonymous said...

I grew up there and in answer to "what could have been inside the museum"....Not much.

pineapple said...

I was hoping you were going to say "some really weird shit!"

Anonymous said...

My Father is Jay Pearl Rankin Jr. we have lived in Austin Tx. my whole life My grandmothers name was Claudia Currie who was married to J.P. sr. Can any one help me to locate relatives because my father has ben placed in hospice and i am only living relative. Please contact me if you can help in any way so my father can see his own family for closer.